Set of bearing shells 25/3-106a

Catalogue No.1966301C1X6 006512257, 006512257+0065122
Unit of measurement szt


Case I.H. Tractor Serie: 2000 2120, 2130, Serie: PJ PJ55, PJN55, PJV55, Engine type: 1000.3A - Same Same Tractor Serie: Antares Antares 100, Antares 110, Antares 110 II, Antares 130, Antares 130 II, Serie: Argon Argon 50, Argon 55, Argon 60, Argon 65, Argon 70, Argon 75, Serie: Aster Aster 60, Aster 70, Serie: Dorado Dorado 55, Dorado 60, Dorado 65, Dorado 70, Dorado 75, Dorado 85, Serie: Explorer Explorer 60, Explorer 65, Explorer 70, Explorer 80, Explorer 90, Serie: Explorer II Explorer 60 II, Explorer 70 II, Explorer 80 II, Explorer 90T II, Serie: Explorer II Special Explorer 60SP II, Explorer 70SP II, Explorer 80SP II, Serie: Explorer Special Explorer 60SP, Explorer 70SP, Explorer 80SP, Explorer 90SP, Serie: Frutteto Frutteto 60, Frutteto 75, Frutteto 85, Serie: Frutteto II Frutteto 60 II, Frutteto 75 II, Frutteto 85 II, Serie: Golden Golden 60 Compatto, Golden 65 Compatto, Golden 75 Compatto, Golden 85 Compatto, Serie: Minitauro Minitauro 60, Serie: Minitaurus Minitaurus 60, Serie: Rock Rock 55, Rock 60, Rock 70, Serie: RowCrop RowCrop 100, RowCrop 100.6, Serie: Rubin Rubin 120, Rubin 135, Rubin 150, Rubin 160, Rubin 160 Galileo, Rubin 180, Rubin 180 Galileo, Rubin 200, Rubin 200 Galileo, Serie: Saturno Saturno 80, Serie: Silver Silver 100.4, Silver 100.6, Silver 110, Silver 130, Silver 160, Silver 180, Silver 80, Silver 90, Serie: Solar Solar 60, Serie: SuperTitan Supertitan, Serie: Taurus Taurus 60 Export, Serie: Titan Titan 150 (-> 3001 ), Titan 160, Titan 165 (-> 3001 ), Titan 190, Serie: Vigneron Vigneron 60, Vigneron 62, Vigneron 75 Engine type: 1000.4A1 - Same 1053L - Same 1000.3A5 - Same 1000.6A - Same 1000.4AT - Same 1000.4WT - Same 1053P - Same 1000.6WT - Same 1000.3AT - Same 1000.6WTI - Same 1000.4A - Same 1000.6AT - Same 1000.4A5 - Same 1000.4A4 - Same 916.4A - Same 1000.3A - Same 1000.4ATI - Same 1054 - Volvo-BM

Product manager

Andrzej Pietrzak

+48 627696570